
For small and medium-sized enterprises, utilizing the Internet is now more than ever an unavoidable part of effectively increasing profits and furthering competitive viability.

However, many owners and managers are busy with their business, don't have access to a Web expert, or simply can't keep up with the rapid changes in technology. With factors like these, there still aren't many smaller businesses that have brought Internet capabilities on board as a potent weapon in the market.

That's where we come in. If you're concerned about how the Web relates to your business, we'll help you boost your operational efficiency and be your support on the Internet and marketing front.


Advanced website creation for companies and groups of companies- self serve and managed.

Wepage Site

Social web page creation for individuals and groups - cutting edge tools and designs to make it fun and easy.


A closed SNS app to share your special contents and schedules with family and friends.

GoGo! Town

A regional information search site. Find popular shops in a given area with reviews and feedback!